When to Call an Emergency Tree Service Near You

There are times when you will want to type into Google “where to find an emergency tree service near me.” It may happen due to an extreme weather event, or it may occur due to some other surprising situation.

Still, in these times, you will need to have optimal tree services from a tree company that can offer tree trimming, tree removal, and emergency tree services.

This simple guide was written in the hope that it might be helpful to many people who are not sure when to call emergency tree services.

We’ve put together a list below with some vital information on what constitutes an emergency situation and how professionals can help with them.

What is a Tree Emergency Service?

It is not always easy to know when a tree needs to be cut down, as the sign can sometimes be hidden and not very clear. Companies should be called in an emergency, and it is not certain that they will respond, experts can also be called to see if they need to be involved.

Suppose you need someone to help you with a situation with a tree that you think could cause community damage. In that case, the right thing to do is call an arborist who can offer professional tree service in the Alexandria, VA, area. In particular, a tree expert is called an arborist and can help detect fungus or algae in trees.

Some signs that your trees need attention are, for example, a leaning tree, which can get worse, especially in severe weather conditions.

You can notice a diseased tree very quickly by noticing dry or chipped bark. Trees that are not in good condition present many risks. The worst that can happen is the risks to your well-being or your neighbors in Alexandria, VA.

When Does a Tree Need an Emergency Service in Alexandria VA?

It’s not always easy to know when a tree needs emergency service. But if you’re experiencing any of the following, it might be time to call in the pros.

If your tree has been recently damaged by a storm, an animal, or a powerful gust of wind, it needs professional help right away. If you’ve noticed signs that your tree is living on borrowed time—uneven branches and more dead than live leaves, for example—it might be worth making an appointment with an arborist to check things out.

When a tree falls in your yard, and there is no downed power line, fire, or other hazards nearby, you should call an emergency tree service to remove the downed tree.

If you cannot do so yourself, enlist the assistance of friends or neighbors with a truck. The best time to pick up any job that requires heavy equipment is during daylight hours because trucks can’t travel at night. Do not try to take on a large job like hauling off your fallen tree until you are sure there will be no other hazards nearby that could cause harm.

Your gutters are overflowing with water, the leaves below are muddy, and you can’t believe you missed the signs that told you it was time to call a tree service. It’s too late now, though. Your favorite plant is standing in water, and it’s starting to rot. You have no choice but to call an emergency tree service.

When do trees need special attention?

The problem with trees is that they can look great on the outside but be very damaged and even risk falling over. The homeowner should carefully inspect the trunk for cavities, cracks, or falling branches. If so, your tree certainly needs emergency service, including inspection and maintenance by a professional.

Your trees need special attention after storms, as these can result in leaning branches which, in addition to signifying that the tree has been damaged, can pose a health hazard to people passing by. Another part you need to observe is the stability of the tree’s roots. If any of these roots appear damaged, you will need to call an arboriculture company that offers emergency service.

When to call an emergency service company/arborist?

Trees are divided into specific categories that show an underlying risk with them. One of these cases can be falling trees that you notice, whether on your property or nearby. So, this is the number one emergency for which you should immediately call an emergency service company.

The other case that needs immediate attention is a damaged trunk. If you notice cavities or cracks, the tree is in danger of falling very quickly.

Another example is the tree that is not in danger of falling but has damage that can be noticed and needs to be treated. This is the case with dead trees. These trees have damaged roots or branches, fungus or algae, or other factors that suggest a risk. Therefore, you need to contact a trusted arborist to take care of this problem and try to repair the damage or remove the tree completely.

Other signs are when the tree has grown in the wrong direction or when trees get tangled with electrical wires. In these cases, it is necessary to contact the tree service company, as they can cause electrical circuits. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain them and find a solution for this type of tree.tree service near me

Reach Out to Dos Amigos Tree Experts

Suppose you are looking for help with tree planting. Our reliable tree care team is here for you in that case, a tree trimming service, emergency tree removal, stump removal, tree pruning, general tree maintenance with tree limbs, or need help to remove fallen branches.

You prioritize tree care services that can handle everything from tree removals to general tree work for Alexandria residents.

Our certified arborists at our family-owned business are here to provide customer satisfaction.

Learn more about free estimates and our quality work by giving us a call today.


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We are a locally owned company based in Alexandria, Virginia, servicing all areas of Northern Virginia, Washington D.C., and Maryland.

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Alexandria, VA 22312
United States

(703) 300-6103


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