Seven Tips on How to Take Care of Trees in Your Yard

Maintaining healthy trees in your yard can take time and effort. You should do several things to ensure your trees get the necessary care. As a reputable provider of tree service in Falls Church, VA, we’ve compiled some tips on how to take care of trees in your yard; read them below! 

1. Choose the Right Spot for Your Tree

Tree care starts with planting. Finding a planting spot with favorable conditions for your tree to flourish is critical. 

You want a spot with sufficient sunlight and away from power lines and other hazards. Ensure the spot is not too close to buildings to avoid property damage when the tree grows.  Also, consider underground utilities when choosing the right spot to plant your tree. 

2. Maintain Proper Watering

Deep watering when a tree is young and during droughts is essential. The first two seasons are especially critical for a young tree’s health. 

You should give your trees five watering cans weekly in extremely dry weather. You want to ensure that water seeps deep into the tree roots. 

Watering isn’t often necessary for properly established trees unless you feel that the tree’s health is deteriorating due to prolonged periods of drought. 

3. Soil Testing and Tree Fertilization

Another valuable tip on how to care of trees is understanding your soil type and health. The growth and health of your trees depend largely on the soil type and nutrient content. 

Consult a certified arborist to help determine your soil type and health. The arborist can also guide you on fertilizing your backyard and trees to keep them healthy and in good shape. 

4. Monitor Diseases and Pests Regularly

Monitoring your trees regularly for signs of pests and diseases is critical when learning how to take care of trees. Below are common signs to look out for:

  • Thinning
  • Weak limbs
  • Damaged leaves
  • Holes in the trunk or branches

It is advisable to schedule regular tree care check-in with a certified arborist to make sure your trees are in good shape. Besides being unsightly, unhealthy trees can be hazardous due to an increased risk of falling. 

5. Weeding Young Trees

Trees, grasses, weeds, and other plants in your yard compete for soil moisture, nutrients, and sunlight. Try keeping about a three-foot diameter around the tree trunks free of grass or other plants. 

Hand weeding or hoeing can be beneficial in the spring when weeds are flourishing and undermining your tree growth and health. If you don’t prefer physical weeding, consider buying weed suppressant groundcover to kill mature weeds and avert new growth.

6. Regular Tree Pruning and Trimming

Tree pruning and trimming are critical tree care practices. Every tree species has unique needs to maintain a healthy, attractive look. 

You can undertake small tree-trimming tasks yourself as part of your routine gardening. However, you should call a certified arborist like Dos Amigos Tree Experts, experts in trimming and pruning Holly and other types of trees, to handle your trees for optimal health and safety.

7. Regular Mulching 

Surrounding your tree bases with mulch is among the simplest and most cost-effective ways to maintain tree health. Mulch helps protect your trees from excessive fertilization and watering. 

Add about two to three inches of mulch and avoid contact with the tree bark. Remember to remove the older mulch before adding a fresh layer. 

Contact Dos Amigos Tree Experts Today

Now that you know how to take care of trees, you should work with experts to ensure the best results. Dos Amigos Tree Experts are the go-to professionals if you need reliable tree care service or want to learn how your trees benefit from mulching. Call us at (703) 300-6103 to schedule a free consultation. 

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We are a locally owned company based in Alexandria, Virginia, servicing all areas of Northern Virginia, Washington D.C., and Maryland.

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